
The Scratch Race.

Three crews entered for the four oared scratch race of the Rowing Club Saturday afternoon. The crews were made up as follows: No. 1. Stroke, Barney; 3, Page; 2, Hunt; bow, Lund. No. 2. Stroke, Bremer; 3, Irwin; 2 Watts; bow, Post. No. 3. Stroke, Abbott; 3, Stone; 2, Anderson; bow, Rogers.

The course was from the bridge below the University Boat House to the buoy opposite the Weld Boat House. Crew No. 1 had the course next to the boat house, and took the lead at the start. Crew No 2 followed closely, and the race between these two crews was a pretty one over the whole course. Crew No. 1 drew away slowly, however, and finished with about half a length of clear water between it and No. 2. No. 3 came in a length behind No. 2.

The crews all got lodged against the bridge above the boat house after the finish, and were only hauled off after considerable excitement, during which the under-secretary of the university took a bath in the Charles.
