
Special Notice.

MONDAY,JUNE 16.- Seminar in German A at 7.30 sharp. Bring readers. 18 Stoughton.

F. E. ZINKEISEN.WANTED.- A second-hand upright piano in good condition. Address X. Y., care of letter carrier 400.

GERMAN A.- Seminar Monday evening at 7.15. Review of "Lesebuch" and grammar. Bring the composition pamphlets and "Lesebuch,"

H. B. LEARNED '90, A. E. TAUSSIG '91. 46 Matthews Hall.Special private car for the accommodation of Harvard students for Chicago and points beyond will leave Boston June 22 at 7 p. m. for information inquire of M. J. Cody, C 50, between 3 and 5 p. m., Monday the 16th.

In order to meet the large demand for evening Dress Suits from the students, Mr. Frank D. Somers, of 5 Park Street, Boston, whose reputation is well known, has made a special feature of evening dress and half-dress suits at a reduction from the regular prices. This is for the month of June, and to members of the University only.


We, as editors of the Harvard Portfolio, believe that the book is an innovation which has come to stay. There is no reason why it should not be warmly received. Every member of the senior class, and a good proportion of the undergraduates, should own the book. Any freshman by buying the book each year will obtain pictures of every man in college during his course.

The publishers wish to enlarge the book considerably next year; but the extent of such enlargement in the coming year is directly dependent upon its success this year. Provided that those who favor it this year contribute to its success by their subscriptions, we believe that its success in future years will be assured.
