The Baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. Phillips Brooks, D. D. in Appleton Chapel, Sunday, June 15, at 4 p. m. Seats will be reserved for seniors until 3.55. Seniors will enter at the side door.
Sale of tickets to all members of the university will take place at 1 Stoughton on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 16, 17, and 18, from 1.45 to 3 p. m. The prices of tickets will be: yard tickets, 25 cents: Memorial $1.50; tree $1.75; Sanders $2.00. Every purchaser of a ticket, in purchasing, agrees; 1, That if the ticket be for Memorial or the yard it shall be void unless signed by the senior to whom it is sold by the Class Day Committee; 2, not to sell, barter or part with for any consideration, any Class Day tickets, except to the Class Day Committee; 3, to return on or before June 17, such tickets as are not needed for the use of himself or friends, to the committee, who will refund the amount paid.
No return tickets to the yard will be given, so that every person not provided with a Memorial ticket, who wishes to enter the yard after 5 p. m., must be supplied with a yard ticket, which will not be collected until 8.30. A yard ticket will admit until 9 p. m. A Memorial ticket is good until 11 p. m. Persons having Memorial tickets do not need yard tickets.
The committee will be at 1 Stoughton today and on Monday and Tuesday from 12.30 to 1 p. m., to purchase tickets from men who find themselves with more tickets than they can use. All tickets are numbered, and gatekeepers, with duplicates in their possession, will do all in their power to see that the regulations are strictly adhered to.
GEORGE BLAGDEN, JR., Chairman Class Day Committee.
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Senior Spread Notice.