The following men will be at Leavitt and Peirce's at 3 sharp, ready to go to New Haven,- Upton, Stone, Howe, Wiggin, Trafford, Merriam, Frothingham, Manley, Soule, Johnson, Watters and Churchill. Those men who do not have examinations will be on Jarvis at 10 a. m.
F. W. HALLOWELL.The following men will take the 7 p. m. train from the Boston and Lowell depot to go to St. Paul's, Concord,- Brown, Garrett, Corning, Carpenter, Balch, Henry, Davis, Chew, Barron, Thomas.
H. F. HEWES.As enough men did not sign to go to New Haven Saturday, there will be no reduction in price. A train will leave the Boston and Providence station at Park Square at 10.00 a. m. Saturday. This has a dining car attached, and arrives at New Haven at 2.25 p. m.
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