
The Advocate.

The Advocate of June 19 contains the best piece of writing that has appeared in its columns for a number of months. "The Decadence of Mr. Arthur Helmer," though it can appeal to none but a Harvard man, is a vivid and accurate character study far more thorough than one generally finds in college writing. It is photographic in its accuracy, and the style, though plain, is incisive at every stage.

The "Ex-Postmaster at Kent's Corners" is also above the average. It is a story with originality of plot and of careful execution. The impression made by the opening scene is very strong.

As much cannot be said of the "Story of the Peninsular War," which contains a good deal of sensation and sentimentalism in a small space. It is, however, not without merit.

"Yesterday and Tomorrow," though short and slight, contains some clever imaginative touches. An excessive use of the auxiliary "would" is notice able.

The only verse in the number, "Homer," is good.


The editorials are devoted to the Yale game, the cricket and Mott Haven victories, to the recent "vandalism," and mass meetings. The last one on the vote repealing the action of the undergraduates of Monday evening is particularly strong and to the point.
