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Today the cricket eleven will play its final championship game against the University of Pennsylvania. The eleven thus far has made a record of which the college may be proud, winning six out of seven games, including the first championship match against Haverford. With this record the Harvard team may enter today's game with confidence of making at least a close struggle, and not without hope of winning. The eleven may not contain as many brilliant players as Pennsylvania's, but steady work and team play will more than make up for any handicap in this respect. Such fielding as the team showed in the last Longwood game will keep down the opponent's score; while the batting of the Haverford game showed that every man may be depended upon to contribute to Harvard's score. Considering that Pennsylvania will not present her strongest team, Harvard may hope for a very creditable showing.

The college ought to give the eleven a hearty support. The members have worked faithfully throughout the season, and have made a far better record than any previous team. They deserve encouragement today; and may be stimulated to victory by the applause of a large crowd of supporters. Harvard men ought also to avail themselves of one of their rare opportunities to see a cricket game. The match today will be played on the American plan, which will add interest, and will make it possible for a man to see both sides bat without waiting for a whole side to be retired. A pleasant feature of the game will be that it will not demand attendance throughout the day in order to follow Harvard's fortures, but will allow a man to watch for an hour or so in the morning, and come in again in the afternoon to see the ending of the match.
