

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

Editors Daily Crimson:

The freshman nine plays its second gaem with the Yale freshmen next Saturday at New Haven, and it is of more than ordinary importance that they be accompanied by as large a delegation as can possibly go. The impression that the team is going to be defeated just because the game is to be played away from home is entirely unwarranted. The nine has been doing creditable work of late and does not deserve the attack of those men who are ever ready to declare Harvrd teams beaten, even before the contest. On the contrary, the freshman nine has won one game and will make a great effort to get the second; if properly supported by their class there is every reason to hope that Harvard will win. Freshmen ought to sing the book at Leavitt and Peirce's in large numbers.

