
Special Notice.

Tutoring in German 1b and A.

F. E. ZINCKESEN, 18 Stoughton.We shall be glad to receive any photographs of seniors which may now be ready.

PUB. HARVARD PORTFOLIO.WANTED.- Briefs of the books read this half year in French 3. Any one willing to furnish them will please leave word at C. H. Thurston's when he can be seen.

Tutoring in Nat. Hist. 3, Chem. B and Chem. 1, French 1. Have had experience in all these courses.

CHAS. L. MIX, '90, 57 College House.In order to meet the large demand for evening Dress Suits from the students, Mr. Frank D. Somers, of 5 Park Street, Boston, whose reputation is well known, has made a special feature of evening dress and half-dress suits at a reduction from the regular prices. This is for the month of June, and to members of the University only.


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