
Fact and Rumor.

Eighteen men go to the Mott Haven training table next Monday.

The Glee, Banjo, and Mandolin Clubs give a concert next Friday evening in Jamaica Plain.

The appointment of Mr. Samuel Williston, Harvard '82, L. S. '88, as assistant professor in the Law School, has been confirmed by the Overseers.

The first, second and third prizes for the high jump at the meeting of the Berkeley Athletic Club, May 17, are on exhibition at Leavitt and Peirce's.

The examinations for honors in history will be held during the last week in May. Candidates are requested to send the courses they intend to offer to Professor Macvane, 40 Kirkland Street.


The trustees of Columbia College have decided to establish a school of philosophy as a step to wards the establishment of a higher university education. It is also intended to found a new chair of history.

The Columbia College Boat Club decided definitely Monday evening to put a crew on the water this year, although the men at present training are in bad condition. The freshman crew has several good oarsmen, but they will, if possible, be kept in the freshman boat.
