
Yale Letter.

NEW HAVEN CONN., May 2, 1890.

Editors Daily Crimson:

As is always the case at this time of the year, much interest is now being shown in all branches of athletics Just at present, as is natural, the most interest is centered in base ball. During the spring the nine has played a large number of practice games, and at times has done some very good playing, but has shown a bad tendency to play irregularly. The weakness in batting this year has also been noticeable. Tomorrow afternoon the first game of great importance will be played at the field with the Princeton team, and after that the strength of the Yale team can be more accurately judged.

Rowing has also been a subject of great interest during the spring. The university crew has been in regular training since the first of February and has done fairly well, although at present it is considerably slower than the crews of the past few years have been at the same time of the year. For some time unwell, but it is hoped that all will be able to continue regular work by Monday. The race with the Atalanta Boat Club on May 24 promises to be an event of great interest, and the class races, the date of which has not yet been fixed, are also expected to be very close.

A good many men are working at track athletics at present, but the prospects for a strong team this year are not very encouraging. The freshman games were held yesterday and some good work was done, but no records were broken, and no very promising material appeared. The sophomore games will be held on Monday and the upper class games on Tuesday next and the university games on Wednesday, May 14.

A meeting of the Gun Club was held last Monday evening, when officers for the ensuing year were elected, and steps taken to arouse a more general interest in the club. At present it looks as if the club would be much more successful in the future than it ever has been in the past.


For the last few weeks some seven or eight men have been training regularly for positions on the bicycle team, but at present the relative abilities of the candidates can hardly be determined. The interest in bicycling at Yale has never been strong, but it is hoped that a team can be selected which will make a fairly good showing against Harvard in the coming race. After the university games it will be possible to form a pretty accurate idea of the abilities of the different me,

Very little general interest has been shown in tennis this spring, which is principally due to the fact that the university courts are so far from the campus. A meeting of the Tennis Association, however, has jus been held, and it is hoped that through the efforts of the newly elected officers the association may be put upon a firmer basis, and the spring tournament held as usual. Yale News.
