Over $1800 has now been raised for the new Cornell boat house.
Prof. H. B. Hill, who was ill last week, has resumed his courses.
R. K. Dickinson has been elected captain of the Yale freshman nine.
The Zeta Alpha society of Wellesley will visit Harvard May 21 as the guests of the Pierian.
The Glee Club and Banjo Club entertained a large 'audience in front of Weld last night.
After the class races on Thursday the four freshman and four 'varsity substitutes will probably row together.
The second concert of the Wellesley College Glee Club, assisted by the Banjo Club, takes place Saturday evening, May 10.
Dohm, of Princeton, is said to be suffering from a severe carbuncle on his leg, which may prevent him from competing in the Mott Haven games. Roddy is also laid up.
At a meeting of the overseers last week it was voted to concur with the president and fellows in appointing Joseph Henry Beale, L. L. B., lecturer on the law of damages for 1890-91.
It is stated that there will be no Columbia 'varsity crew this year. The boat club is in debt quite heavily, and as the students think Columbia's chances of success in the races with Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania are poor, they are unwilling to undergo the expense incident on getting a crew in condition for a race.
Following are the names of the men who are to take part in the Conference Francaise play, "Le Voyage a Dieppe," with their roles: D'Herbelin, A. D. Tassin; Madame d'Herbelin, J. W. Ames; Isaure, T. F. Patterson; Dumontel, A. Sweeney; d'Herigny, W. G. Howard; Monbray, G. H. Scudder; Lambert, E. S. Jones; Madame Lambert, H. McCulloch; Felicite, A. R. Tisdale; Dupre, R. H. Davis.
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