
Yale Fellowships.

The fellowships and scholarships at Yale are stated as offering more advantages than any other university in the country. The first of them is the Douglas Fellowship, instituted in 1873 by Mrs. Samuel Miller, in memory of her brothers, who were Yale graduates. This fellowship, which is of three years duration, yields an income of $600. The Soldiers' Memorial Fellowship also has an income of $600, but may be held for five years instead of three. In making selection from the candidates for the fellowships the president and professors give preference to the man who has shown specia proficiency in Greek, and who intends to pursue the study of Greek farther. The student is allowed to spend a part of his time in Athens in connection with the American School of Classical Study. The Silliman Fellowship, founded in memory of Professor Benjamin Silliman, also has an annual income of $600, and is awarded to the graduate of the Academic department who has given evidence of profliciency and promise in some branch of physical science. This fellowship can also be held three years. There are eight scholarships, amounting in all to $2000, and they may be held for one or more years.
