The result so far in the doubles tennis tournament is: Semi-finals, Kingsley, M. S., and Wildes, '91, leat Manchester, '93. and Lockett, '92, 6-4, 6-2. Orcntt, '92, and Potter, '92, beat Hale, '91, and Stetson, '91, 6-3, 6-2. The finals will be played this moring at 10 o'clock.
In the final round of singles played yesterday morning Lee beat Hale 6-3, 6-4, 6-4. Lee will play an exhibition match with Tallant, the college champion, next Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
For second place in singles Stetson will arrange to play Jennings as soon as possible, the winner to play Hale.
The first five men in the tennis league which has been playing since the season opened are: G. W. Lee, L. S., R. B. Hale, '91, W. D. Orcutt, '92, M. H. Wildes, '91, J. A. Stetson, '91. These men each receive as a prize a Sear's special racquet.
The four Jarvis courts, hitherto reserved for league matches, are now open to all, except when needed for tournament purposes.
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