GERMAN 1A.- Semmar this evening. Ausdem Staat, etc., read thoroughly.
C. A. WINTER, 12 Kirkland Place.POLITICAL ECONOMY 4.- Course reviewed this (Saturday) evening at 7.15 in Manter 2.
W. W. NOLEN.Will the person who took a Spanish grammar from Foster's last Thursday please return it.
FOUND.- A fountain pen. Call at 12 Kirkland Place.
Someone has my hat. The initials "J. T. C." are marked on the lining. Please call at 55 C.
J. T. CRAWLEY.Marks in German 2, 5 or 6 will not be sent out by postal cards, and therefore members of those courses will please not mail any cards to me for that purpose.
Members of German 2 who have had some of their composition books not yet returned will find them on the desk in Sever 2.
KUNO FRANCKE.The following men must be on Jarvis Field at 1.45 sharp: Stone, Wiggin, Merriam, Jackson, Manley, Collamore, Field, Martin, Johnson, Watters, Windsor.
F. W. HALLOWELL.HISTORY 17.- Seminars Monday: I, at 3.30 p. m., to Jackson's Administration; II, at 7.30, to the end.
Fee for each, $2.00.
J. A. BAILEY, 31 Stoughton.2t]
N. H. 3.- There will be the usual opportunity for Saturday laboratory work in Upper Mass. today. An illustrated lecture on some special features of plant structure will be given at Harvard Hall at 10 this morning.
W. F. GANONG.LOST.- A dressed-sealskin pocket book, perhaps on Jarvis or Holmes Eield. Finder please leave it with the Auditor or drop a note to F. C. Lucas, 746 Cambridge st., and receive suitable reward.
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