
H. U. C. A. Road Race.

The annual spring handicap road race of the Harvard University 'Cycling Association was run yesterday afternoon over the Chestnut Hill reservoir course. The showers in the early afternoon had not softened the road, and everything was favorable for a race except a strong breeze which hindered the men on the back stretch. During the two last laps, however, rain began to fall which made the finish very disagreeable. Austrian, '91, and Strauss, '93, were the first to start, with a handicap of 6 minutes; Hockstatter, '93 (5 m. 30 sec.); Hawes, '93, (2 m. 30 sec); Holmes, '92 (1 m. 30 sec.); Williams, '91 (1 m. 15 sec.); Brown, '91 (1 m.), followed. Barron, '91, was scratch man. After a pretty race Hawes, '93, finished first, Austrian, '91, second, and Barron, '91 (scratch), third. Barron's time from scratch for the seven miles was 23 m. 1-5 sec.
