
Fact and Rumor.

The freshman nine have received their uniforms.

There will be no final examination in Physics A.

H. S. McKee has been elected captain of the Columbia freshman crew.

The summer vacation of Yale has been prolonged one week.

The Williams College Glee Club gave a concert at Worcester last evening.


The Mott Haven team will leave the square by special car Friday at 10 o'clock.

H. R. Allen, '92, has been elected a member of the Manhattan Athletic Association.

Pettit beat Saunders yesterday at Dublin three sets out four. Each man has now won four sets.

Princeton, as well as Harvard, grounds will be the scene of interscholastic athletic games tomorrow.

The Blue Jays defeated Childs' nine yesterday afternoon by a score of 9 to 4. Dunn's nine forfeited to Nicola's.

The examinations for honors in history which were announced for this week, have been postponed until June 13.

The Fexcroft Club nine played a three-innings game with the freshman yesterday afternoon, losing by a score of 1 to 7.

The New York Princeton Club has offered a prize of $100 to the candidate for admission to '94 who passes the best full entrance examination.

The Princeton faculty has given permission for the publication of The Tiger again this year. W. S. Whitehead, '91, has been appointed editor-in-chief.

The examination in German 3 will comprise: Matter, Schiller's Life, Jungfrau von Orleans, Braut von Messina, Don Carlos, Wallenstein Trilogy, all of Schiller's ballads read during the year, Lied von der Glocke, Uhland's Ballads and Romances. Methods, English into German, free German composition, explanation of words and phrases, historical bases of plays (in German).
