
Cricket Notes.

The cricket team which will represent the University of pennsylvania in the game against Harvard on June 11 is considered by the former college exceptionally strong. Eight members of last year's Penn. team are still in college; two players from Haverford have entered this year and there are four or five new men who are excellent players candidates for the eleventh place. All the men have had experience, and most of them have played on the best teams in the country; two of them, Patterson and Tompson, were on the American team which went to England last year, and one, Bohlen, won the Halifax cup for the best indivldual batting. Penn, feels sure of having no trouble in beating Harvard, according to The Pennsylvanian. Haverford college has this year the strongest team they have had for some time but as the team was defeated by Germantown recently, neither Penn. nor Harvard ought to have much difficulty in defeating them.

Columbia College has just joined the Intercollegiate Cricket Association, which shows that the interest in cricket is spreading. At Pennsylvania a series of games between the four classes is now being played, in which there is great interest taken throughout the college.
