The University Cycling Association will hold its annual spring road race this afternoon on the Chestnut Hill Reservoir. The course, which is exactly a mile and a sixth in circumference, is one of the most perfectly kept roads in America, and this fact, added to an unusually large list of entries, ought to make an extremely interesting race.
The direct benefit which the Cycling Association will confer on Harvard athletics is forcibly emphasized by the entries to this race, and by the keen feeling of interest which it has raised among a large body of new men.
To get ten entries to a bicycle race, especially when it is considered that a number of men who competed last fall, among whom are Greenleaf, Bailey, Tweedey, Philip Davis, Rogers, Hill, Cutting and others, are not entered, shows what strides cycling has made in the college even in the last few months. We wish to lay particular stress on the large proportion of absolutely new men who have entered. This increased active interest in the sport not only promises well for furture intercollegiate track contests, but also promises that a large number of distinctly new athletic men (by which we mean men who would not try for any university team) will be attracted to one of the most enjoyable and healthy sports in existence.
The entries are as follows:
Brown '91, Barron '91, Williams '91, Holmes '92, Simpson '93, Hawes '93, DeWolf '93, Greenwood Sp. Watters '93, Hockstatter '93, Blake '93, Doe '91, Sheffleld '92, Strauss '93, Austrian Sp. Bass, '91.
The distance will be seven miles. Every competitor must be on the scratch ready to start by 4.30 sharp. The handicaps will be announced at the tape.
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The 'Varsity Eleven.