

The freshmen class will be photographed at 1.30 p. m. today on the rear steps of Memorial Hall.

B. W. TRAFFORD.STRAYED-From the entry of New Hilton a small clothes-basket, gray canvas cover, marked R. R. Finder please notify owner, 21 Hilton.

Senior class will be photographed on the rear steps of Memorial Hall on Tuesday, May 27, at 1.00 p. m. sharp. The freshman will be photographed immediately after.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- The photograph of the St. Paul's Society will be taken on Wednesday afternoon, May 29, at 2 o'clock, on the back steps of Seve. Will all members who possibly can please be present.

W. R. SEARS, Sec'y.TENNIS TOURNAMENT.- The following matches will be played this afternoon: at 2 o'clock-Hale vs. Kingsley; Stetson vs. Lee. At 4 o'clock-Hale and Stetson vs. Orcutt and Potter. Men who have not yet paid their entrance fees will please send me the money as soon as possible.


HUGH TALLANT, Sec'y H. L. T. A.H. U. C. A.- A seven mile handicap will be run off round the Chestnut Hill reservoir (6 lays) on Wednesday, May 28, at 4.30 p. m. All men who ride either safety or ordinary are urged to enter. The handicaps will be very liberal in order to induce every rider in college to enter. Medals will be given as prizes. Sign at Leavitt and Peirce's.

R. H. DAVIS, Capt.
