
Special Notice.

GREEK 10.- Men expecting to tutor with me will do me a great favor by making their arrangements at once.

F. K. BALL, 5 Divinity.WANTED.- All kinds of gents' cast-off clothing, boots and shoes. Highest cash prices paid. Cleaning, repairing, and pressing of gents' clothing. Send postal to

WILLIAM H. BROWN, 465 Main Street, Cambridgeport.The spring styles in woolen goods for men's wear show decided changes from the past few years. The large plaids are gone, and in their place are the quiet check and fine stripes in worsteds, and in cheviots the homespun effects and dog tooth checks are the most popular. The style of cut also show radical changes. Gentlemen who appreciate all the correct points in cut and proportion are invited to order of us, as goods will be cheerfully shown. 10 per cent discount for cash and moderate prices. FRANK D. SOMERS, 5 Park Street.
