

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

Editors Daily Crimson:

The author of the communication in the CRIMSON Friday morning considers the crew management responsible for the lack of success of the Glee Club concert on Tuesday. The truth of the matter is that the Glee Club have treated the crew very shabbily in not giving the concert before, when more people were in town. The Jamaica Plain and Cambridge concerts, too, drew away from the audience on Tuesday. As to the concert not begin advertised, I happen to know that circulars were sent to all the houses on the Back Bay and notices published in all the daily papers, etc. The night was rainy and disagreeable; most people who wanted to hear the Glee Club sing had already heard them, and the rest were out of town. The fault lies at the door of the Glee Club, for not giving the concert sooner.

