
Canoe Club Races.

The annual spring races of the Harvard Canoe Club will take place this afternoon on the Charles River Basin. The races will commence promptly at 4 o'clock and in each event the boats will start from the Boston Athletic Association boat house, from which a good view of the races may be obtained. The following are the events:

Class I. Sailing. Triangular course, 11-2 miles.

Class II. Novice Race. Any man in any canoe. Open to university.

Class III. Tandem birch. 1-2 mile straight-away.

Class IV. Tandem decked canoes 2 double blades. 1-2 mile straight away and return.


Class V. Deck canoes, double blades. 1-2 mile straight away.

Class VI. Open canoes. One mile straight away, for club record.

Class II is an open race and it is hoped that a large number of men will enter. Entries may be made any time before 12 o'clock today to any officer of the club. Entrance fee 25 cents.
