Phillips Andover beat Tufts Monday by a score of 11 to 7.
There will be hour examinations in N. H. 8 and 14 today.
"Twelfth Night" will be read by Mr. J. J. Hayes on Friday evening, May 23, in Sever 11.
There will be an hour examination in N. H. 4 today. This will count as a part of the final examination.
The 'varsity substitutes are at present, Jones '92, Watriss '92, Rantoul '92, Powers '92, and Keyes, L. S.
The Atlantas row a four mile race with the Yale 'varsity crew next Saturday, and will go over the course on Friday.
The class of '91 at Brown will hold a dinner on June 12. At their invitation Harvard '91 will send G. T. Goldthwaite as a delegate.
Morison '92, of Yale, has commenced training with the university crew.
On Friday evening, May 23, "Cut Off With a Shilling" will be played in Brattle Hall, with Dr. Fulsom of Cambride in the leading part.
Outing has been appointed the official organ and bulletin of the U. S. N. L. T. A., and it will publish every month a supplement devoted to lawn tennis.
Lord Ampthill has recently been elected captain of the Oxford crew. Lord Ampthill is one of the best oarsmen in Oxford, having rowed No. 3 in 1889 and No. 5 in 1890.
The New England Intercollegiate Press Association will hold its next semi-annual meeting at Brown on May 30. All college papers are urged to send delegates.
The freshmen of the University of Michigan made arrangements recently for a dinner, which the sophomores broke up by seizing their toast-master and concealing him. Five sophomores were expelled.
The Yale Alumni Association of New York recently passed a resolution asking the university to establish a fund to be known as the College Graduate Fund, to be open to small subscriptions from graduates; the amount thus given to be applied to the general interests of the university.
The examination for the state scholarship at Cornell will be held on June 7. Candidates must be at least 16 years old and of six months standing in the common schools or academies of the state during the present year. The examination will cover English grammar, geography, physiology, arithmetic, plain geometry and algebra through quadratic equations.
O. K.- The annual dinner will be held this evening at the Hotel Vendome at 7 o'clock. All except the '90 men will please bring with them the price of the dinner, $2.50; and it is especially requested that everyone come on time. Dress suits.
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