
Special Notice.

The Cambridge School, 20 Mason St., provides full English, Classical and Elective courses for girls of all ages. Particular attention is given to English. Special students in Science, Art, Literature, German, French and other branches are provided for.

MARGARET WINTHROP HALL, 21 CHAUNCEY ST.,is a home, under the care of Miss Mary Fosdick, for young ladies who attend the Cambridge School and wish to take advantage of the opportunities for cultivation in Boston and Cambridge. The Hall was built and planned for this purpose. The warming and ventilation have received special attention. The number that can be accommodated is small. Applicants should be over fourteen years of age. Apply to

MR. ARTHUR GILMAN, Director.GERMAN A.- We shall go over the work of the second half-year of this course in a series of readings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 to 10 o'clock in the evening. Men will please bring the "Reader"

H. B. LEARNED, '90,A. E. TAUSSIG, '91, 46 Matthews.3i

The spring styles in woolen goods for men's wear show decided changes from the past few years. The large plaids are gone, and in their place are the quiet check and fine stripes in worsteds, and in cheviots the homespun effects and dog tooth checks are the most popular. The style of cut also show radical changes. Gentlemen who appreciate all the correct points in cut and proportion are invited to order of us, as goods will be cheerfully shown. 10 per cent discount for cash and moderate prices. FRANK D. SOMERS, 5 Park Street.

