There will be no lecture in History 12 tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be the last day for receiving applications for college rooms for next year.
Wednesday's college games resulted as follows: Yale 5, Williams 2; Colby 10, Bowdoin 8; Tufts 18, Exeter 8.
Henshaw, L. S, will catch for the Melrose nine this year. Boyden, '86, will play with the same team.
A professional base ball league has been organized in England, consisting of teams from eight principal cities.
Professor A. B. Hart has a long letter in the current number of the Nation on "Government and Tariff in Canada."
The Freshman Glee Club took part in the May Day entertainment which was given in Union Hall last evening.
Mills, Gould and Rogers have not been rowing with the Yale freshman crew during the past week owing to illness.
There will be no lecture in Fine Arts 4 tomorrow.
The CRIMSON will post at Leavitt and Peirce's the score of today's game with Brown at the end of the fifth and ninth innings.
Treasurer Hooper estimates that the wealth of Harvard University has doubled once in every twenty years since its foundation.
An Athletic Club of Cambridge boys has obtained permission to use Holmes Field this afternoon for their athletic sports. The sports will begin at four o'clock.
Hartwell, P. G., has not been rowing with the Yale crew for several days, owing to illness. He will probably not take his place in the boat again before the middle of next week.
At the annual gymnastic contests of the Boston Athletic Association Wednesday night, H. Williams broke the world's record in rope climbing, going up thirty five feet in 12 1-5 seconds.
Wednesday F. B. Winthrop, '91, was taken from No. 7 in his class crew to row bow on the 'varsity, and Hartridge, '90, who had been bow on the 'varsity, went to number five on the senior crew.
The following is the tenth ten of the Institute of 1770: A. H. Green, J. E. Stevens, H. M. Landon, R. M. Gillespie, S. Berry. T. B. Aldrich, R. C. Wood, R. G. Loring, G. H. Thomas, W. M. Weed.
The Yale Glee and Banjo Clubs will give a concert in Chickering Hall, New York, this evening for the benefit of the 'varsity crew. The glee club will consist of twenty-six men, and the banjo club of eighteen.
To hasten the opening of the Johns Hopkins University Medical School, closed on account of temporary embarrassment, it is proposed to raise at least $100,000, to be offered to the Trustees on condition that women, whose preliminary training has been equivalent to the preliminary medical course of the university, be admitted on the same terms as men.- Nation.
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Foxcroft Club Election.