
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no recitation in Phil. 1 today.

The report of the secretary of '89 has been distributed to the members of the class.

Among the new courses next year will be Greek 25, by Dr. Morgan, on the Greek Worship and Ritual.

The Table 1 nine defeated the Thayer Academy nine at Braintree yesterday in a seven inning game. Score 9 to 3.

Prof. Von Jagemann is soon to publish through Henry Holt and Co. an edition with notes, of Goethe's Autobiography.


At a meeting of the English Club last evening the following members were elected: A. C. Garrett, Gr., C. W. Willard, '91, R. M. Lovett, '92, J. R. Corbin, '92, A. D. Tassin, Sp.

The CRIMSON will post bulletins of the Yale game at Leavitt and Peirce's this afternoon after every three innings.

The men entered for the Berkeley Athletic Association games in New York today went down last night by the Fall River boat.

Ellsworth, '90, Ware, '91 S., and Lampson, '93, are the latest additions to the Mott Haven training table at Yale.

The officers of the '91 O. K. have been elected as follows: President, H. G. Cushing; Secretary, H. McCulloch, jr.; Treasurer, H. A. Davis; Librarian, C. W. Willard.

Mr. H. N. Sweet, president of the Boston Camera Club, has hall several very handsome enlargements of photographs of temples in Yucatan made and presented to the Peabody Museum.

Capt. Herrick, of the Cornell base ball team, has resigned. It is rumored that insubordination on the part of some of the younger players of this year's team is the cause. Cornell will play Princeton today.

The Globe is authority for the statement that the Princeton faculty has decided that no special student shall be allowed to become a member of or play on any university athletic team until he has spent one year at college.

Columbia will undoubtedly put a foot ball team in the field next season. A. C. Gildersleeve, the captain of the team, has secured the names of twenty promising candidates who are willing to go into training as soon as college opens.

The Columbia College freshmen have a new man in the boat who is doing very fine work, and will probably stroke the crew. This is a A. H. Spoons. A number of candidates have been dropped, and A. S. McKee has been made captain. The crew will row in the Harlem regatta, and will go into regular training quarters about June 1. G. W. Metcalfe, '91, has taken Bandolphe Meikleham's place as coach of the crew.
