

HARVARD BANJO CLUB-Photograph today (Friday) at 1.30. All must be prompt.

Professor Sanderson has a gold pen found in Sever 11, which the owner may have on application.

FRESHMEN BANJO CLUB.- There will be a business meeting at 7 Friday. It is important that all be present.

FOUND.- A lot of note and text books at Leavitt and Peirce's.

CRICKET ELEVEN.- Every candidate must be on hand at 4 o'clock sharp without fail.


R. D. BROWN.All men who have subscribed for ticket shingles can get them at Leavitt and Peirce's.

H. F. HEWES.The following men will meet in the gymnasium dressed promptly at 3.15: Hallowell. Johnson, Watters, Dolan, Manley, Merriam, Wiggin, Stone, Collamore, Robb, Winsor, Dibblee.

L. A. FROTHINGHAM.SCRUB NINE.- The following men will be on Norton's at 2.45 sharp, as practice will be stopped in time for the '90-'93 game: Stubbs, Jackson, Hickey, Dodge, Strong, McLaughlin, Hochstadter, Gaus, Strauss, Cavanah, C. P. Huntington.

H. HUTCHINSON.The Phi Beta Kappa photograph will be taken at Pach's, Friday, May 16, at 1.30 p. m. Every member is urged to be present, as this is the last opportunity to have the society photographed. 4i

SENIOR CLASS will be photographed on the rear steps of Memorial Hall at 1 o'clock Tuesday, May 27. The freshman class will be photographed immediately after.

