We wish to call attention to the theatricals to be given next Monday evening by the Conference Francaise. For two successive years this society has brought forth a play which each time has been received with great approval and has drawn spectators from a distance as well as from Cambridge. The year before last Labiche's "Le Misanthrope et l'Aurergnat" was successfully played. Last year two comedies, instead of one, were given, with even greater eclat: "Les Deux Sourds" and "L'Affaire de la Rue de Lourcine." This year, however, the Conference has proceeded on an even larger scale and will bring forth "Le Voyage a Dieppe," one of the wittiest and liveliest of the comedies on the modern French stage. It is in three acts and requires a large cast, but the assignment of parts is an excellent one. The annual play of the French society has become one of the features of the year, and we hope that every one in college with a knowlege of French will next Monday evening help to make it as successful a feature as it deserves to be.
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Appleton Chapel.