
St. Paul's School Club.

The regular semi-annual meeting of the Harvard St. Paul's School Club was held last evening in the rooms of Mr. Watriss. The officers for the ensure year were elected; H. W. Corning, '91, was elected president, T. Everett, '91, vice-president. N. Neff, '92, secretary and treasurer and R. P. Bowler to serve on the executive committee from'93. It was voted to hold an informal social meeting within two weeks. Plans to bring Harvard more prominently before the school at large and to show the warm interest felt by the graduates here at college in St. Paul's were discussed. It was suggested that the Harvard papers be sent by the Club to the Fifth Form reading-room, and it was also proposed to present a challenge cup for athletics. The conditions under which this cup shall be compete for are to be drawn up by the executive committee.
