
Union Club.

The final meeting to conclude arrangements for the new union of clubs was held last evening at the Foxcroft Club. Committees were appointed to arrange regarding furniture and lights. The following is the code of regulations adopted which, for the present, will form the constitution:


The following named clubs agree to form an association to be known as the Union Club: Bicycle Club, Camera Club, Canadian Club, Canoe Club, Connecticut Club, Deutscher Verein, Exeter Club, Fencing Club, Free Wool Club, Graduate Club, Conference Francaise, and Whist Club.


The purpose of the Union Club is to conduct the management of the club rooms.



The executive management of the affairs of the Club shall be vested in a board of directors composed of one representative from each of the associated clubs, to be chosen annually before the last day of April by the club which they represent.


The directors shall elect annually in May, a president, secretary and treasurer from among their number.


Seven shall constitute a quorum of directors.


Other regulations may be made by the directors.


The Club shall not be bound by this agreement after September 1, 1891, unless a renewal shall be ratified by a vote of each club.

An election of officers under the code was deferred until another meeting, there not being a quorum present. The representatives then adjourned to meet Thursday afternoon at 6.30 p. m. in the new rooms.
