FOUND.- A fox terrier; apply at Leavitt and Peirce's.
'92 NINE.- Candidates will meet on Divinity at 2.30 sharp.
J. W. CUMMIN.The Chess and Whist Club will meet this evening at 7.30 in the rooms, No. 7 Brattle St.
F. W. NICOLLS, Sec'y.ENGLISH C and D.- The fourth brief is due today at 24 Grays Hall.
Y. M. C. A.- Regular meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association this evening at 6.45 in Lawrence Hall. All members of the university are cordially invited to be present.
FINANCE CLUB.- The Club will meet, by invitation, at the house of Mr. E. W. Hooper. Treasurer of the University, tonight, at 7.30, when Mr. Hooper will speak on "The Finances of the University."
F. L. OLMSTED, Sec'y.SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS' group will be photographed today at 1.30 at Pach's. Officers are requested to be punctual, as Mr. Tupper has another appointment before 2 o'clock.
PHOTO. COM.Seniors who are delaying the completion of the Class Album by not having their pictures taken, are causing great trouble and annoyance to the committee. The album must be complete, and every man should consider it a duty to do his part in finishing it.
PHOTO. COM.FOUND.- In the yard, Sunday evening about 9 o'clock, an Irish setter pup, apparently about two months old. Address 6 Matthews.
H. A. A.- All men who won prizes in the class meeting must compete in some event-not necessarily the same event-in the university meeting in order to receive their prizes. The entries for the university meeting next Saturday close this evening at 10.30.
J. H. HUNT.All '93 men desiring a place in the freshman tug will sign the blue book at Leavitt and Pierce's. Tickets will be on sale at the same place on Saturday at 9 a. m., and they must be paid for in advance, as only a limited number can be on the tug. Price of tickets, $2.00.
EDW. C. CULLINAN, Manager.H. U. C. A.- All those who have subscribed $3.50 or over to the Harvard University Cycling Association may get their shingles and membership tickets from the secretary at 41 Weld Hall. Those who have subscribed $3.50 or over to the Harvard University Cycling Association may get their shingles and membership tickets from the secretary at 41 Weld Hall. Those who have subscribed less than $3.50 and wish to become members of the Association, may do so at any time before May 01th by raising their subscriptions to the required amount. Secretary's hours,- from 9 to 11.45 and 2 to 5.30 today.
H. O. STICKNEY received today a new line of Serge, Worsted and Flannel goods, for tennis suits. Silk sashes, belts and caps. Rackets, balls, cases, presses, etc. New assortment of Neckwear, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, etc. Base Ball and Cricket Goods, all kinds. Agent for Noyes Brost Laundry. Try it for luck! Clothing cleaned and pressed at short notice. Lyceum Building, Harvard Sq.
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