
Fact and Rumor.

Mr. G. L Osgood has been appointed manager of the junior crew.

There was an unannounced half-hour examination in Pol. Econ. I yesterday.

The theatricals of the Conference Francaise will probably be held on May 14.

The Bowdoin and B. A. A. crews are trying to arrange for a race on or about Memorial Day.

The Harvard subscriptions to the Delphi fund amount to something over one thousand dollars.


The Amherst nine will play the B. A. A. team this afternoon on the Boston league grounds. The game will be called at 3.30.

Harvard admission examinations will be held in two new places this year: St. Mark's school, Southborough, and Minneapolis, Minn.

There will be two new courses in Natural History next year; one in Petrography under Mr. Wolff, and one in Stratigraphical Geology under Mr. Harris.

Professor Palmer spoke at the college conference in Sever 11 last night on "The Necessary Elements of the Religious Life," but specially requested that no report be made.

At the meeting of delegates held in Foxcroft House last evening reports were received from several clubs accepting the provisions of the proposed schedule of rents, etc., but as several of the clubs had been unable to hold meetings since the schedule was issued decisive action was postponed until next Monday evening.

At the annual meeting of the Deutscher Verein last night the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: president, Prof. von Jagermann; vice-president, S. C. Brackett, '91; secretary, A. E. Taussig, '91; treasurer, J. B. Sheffield, '92; executive committee, the above officers ex-officio, and O. G. Villard, '93, and C. L. Schurz, '93.
