

Tannhaeusur.The Metropolitan Opera company began their two weeks' engagement at the Boston theatre, Monday night with Tannhaeuser. Vocally considered the production was an unqualified success, though the settings were not at all elaborate. Frau Lehmann was heard for the first time as Elizabeth in Boston and had more opportunities for the display of her magnificent voice than she has had in this opera before. kalisch in the title role and Reichmann as Wolfram sang their parts to perfection, the latter showing marked dramatic ability. The rich voice of Behrens as the Land grave and the singing and acting of Fraulein Traubmann as Venus contributed to fill out the well rounded production. The performances of the company this week and next offer opportunities for opera lovers which are seldom found Boston.

The Rivals.The reappearance of the Jefferson Florence Comedy company at the Globe called forth an audience which was, no doubt, lessened by the other notable theatrical attractions. There is little need of commenting in detail upon the work of the artists in the company as at present constituted. Sheridan's comedy was interpreted very truly, and the performance was delightful. Mr. Jefferson as "Bo Acres" was very lively, and Mr. Florence as "Sir Lucius O'Trigger." was equally amusing. Miss Allen who took the part of "Lydia Languish" has improved wonderfully and her acting was especially worthy of note. Mrs. Drew overacted Mrs. Malaprop a trith while Mr. Paulding as "Captain Absolute" was lifeless and flat.

Twelfth Night.If Shakespeare could have seen his own comedy "Twelfth Night" Monday night with Miss Julia Marlowe in the leading role, he would not have been surprised that Olivia fell in love with Viola at first sight. For Julia Marlowe brings to the part of Viola an impassioned but refined youthfulness of acting which cannot but charm. Eben Plympton as Duke Orsino read his lines well but was inclined at times to be too unimpassioned. Leslie Allen and Dan Robertson as Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Aguecheek were unimpeachable, and the rest of the company were fair.


"All the Comforts of a Home" continues to draw large houses at the Museum. The fun is fast and furious and is sustained throughout the evening.

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