

No Headline

It is to be hoped that this year's announcement of electives will be more explicit than former issues in the statement of the nature and requirements of some of the courses, especially those requiring laboratory practice. Now that the final choice of electives must be made before the term begins, it is very necessary for a man to know how long and at what hours he is to be in the laboratory. Where courses change so from year to year as they have in Physics and some Natural History subjects, it is useless to take the statement of those who have formerly taken the courses, and the pamphlet is often misleading. For instance, the announcement that N. H. 5 is given three times a week at 2 o'clock does not convey the idea that the course requires three lectures and six hours of laboratory work; nor does the description of Physics 3-lectures and laboratory work three times a week-give the idea that there is one lecture a week and six hours in the laboratory, and that the laboratory is not open mornings.

If we are to accept what seems to be the tacit understanding, that the course requires six hours of work a week, what of the courses in Analytical Chemistry, I which are described as "chiefly laboratory work," and which take twice six hours? With only a single division into courses and half courses, it is impossible to give more credit for Chemistry 5 than for Chemistry 2; but it is only fair to designate in some way the requirements of the courses, so that a man will not find himself at this time of the year with hard courses growing harder and laboratory work robbing him of the time he ought to spend in recreation in the open air.

H. U. C. A.- All those who have subscribed $3.50 or over to the Harvard University Cycling Association may get their shingles and membership tickets from the secretary at 41 Weld Hall. Those who have subscribed less than $3.50 and wish to become members of the Association, may do so at any time before May 01th by raising their subscriptions to the required amount. Secretary's hours,- from 9 to 11. 45 and 2 to 5.30 today.
