The elective system is growing at Yale, as is shown by the Prospectus just issued. As yet only the two upper classes can choose from the list, but this year the number of hours for seniors is increased from twelve to fifteen a week; of these one must be either Advanced Ethics, Introduction to Philosophy, Physiological Psychology or History of Philosophy. Twenty new courses have been added this year, and some of the old courses are enlarged. Prof. Ladd offers a new course in the theory and practice of Pedagogics; a School of Political Economy is formed for those seniors who desire to make this their chief study during the year. New courses are offered in Jurisprudence, American History, History of Europe from 1400 to 1648, Analytical Study of the French Contemporary Poets, and Middle High German. In the study of English Literature are the most striking advances. The number of courses in this department has been increased from four to thirteen, all of them being open to both classes; the list embraces all phases of the subject, from mediaeval literature down to that of the nineteenth century. The courses in Natural History and Mathematics are changed only so far as making Astronomy an elective course in the junior year necessitates. The prospectus ends with a description of the four courses of the music department, in which a chair has recently been established. Choice must be made by May 3; a schedule will then be prepared and the final selection must be handed in by May 24.
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