We understand that the base ball management are intending to organize an "amateur" league, and offer cups to the winning nine. We hope that this plan will be speedily carried into effect. A league to which no member of the university, second, or class nines is eligible, will be a great inducement to men who are interested in base ball but have not made a specialty of it. Almost every man in college not engaged in other branches of athletics can play the national game to some extent and enjoys it. By getting them out on the field in club and table nines, new material may be developed for the class or even the university nines. At least a more general interest in the game will be aroused throughout the college, and the nine will be more heartily supported both on and off the field. With four diamonds on Norton's field there will be plenty of room for "amateurs."
Last year we urged the formation of such a league in vain. This year a more healthy and energetic spirit seems to be moving the base ball management. We hope to hear from them soon in regard to the formation of an "amateur" league.
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