The next debate of the Harvard Union will be the last of the year.
The members of N. H. 4 visited the clay pits of West Cambridge last week.
The subject of German 5 next year will be the general history of German literature.
Dr. Morgan will be in Sever 27 today at 3 o'clock to receive the final reports from the canvassers for the Delphi Fund.
The under classmen of the Institute of Technology gave a dinner to the faculty and senior class Friday night. About 350 students were present.
Professor Barrett Wendell will write the volume on "Cotton Maker," in the series of "Makers of America" to be published by Dodd, Mead and Co.
A new monthly publication has been started at Brown called The Brown Magazine. It aims to occupy some. what the same position that is held here by the Monthly.
C. T. R. Bates, '92, has been obliged to suspend his studies on account of overwork. At his physician's advice he has sailed for Europe, where he will spend the summer.
The London Vanity Fair says: "Rev. Carrie Bartlett has been appointed incumbent of the town of Kalamazoo in Pennsylvania. She is a graduate of Harvard, and a great personal beauty."
The medals for the bicycle meeting to be held May 10 will be about the size of the Cedarhurst prizes, being larger and more expensive than those at the Mott Haven games.
The Y. M. C. A. is endeavoring to have a course established in general study of the Bible. This object may not be attained next year on account of other arrangements, but it is probable that a course of evening conferences will be given by Professors Lyon and Toy on the Old Testament, Professor Thayer on the New Testament, Professor Everett on comparative religions, and Professor Peabody.
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