
Chapel Service.

Dr. Phillips Brooks preached last evening in Appleton Chapel to an audience which completely filled the house. His text was taken from the epistle to the Romans, "I know how to abound." The sermon was most impressive. Dr. Brook's central thought was that men who have abundance ought not to continue to have it unless they keep trying all the time to learn how best to use it. He spoke of four classes of men who have abundance; the wealthy, those who have acquired knowledge of truths, those who are much beloved, and finally, Christians in times of unusual spiritual abundance. All these must be careful to use the abundance which has been given them in the broadest manner, and to strive always to learn all that their occupation has to teach them. The choir sang the following selections: Anthem, Spirit of Mercy,-Barnby; Anthem, I Know that My Redeemer Liveth,-Christoph Bach. Anthem, O for the Wings of a Dove,-Mendelssohn.
