CONFERENCE FRANCAISE.- Rehearsal at 15 Brattle street at 3.30 sharp.
COMMITTEE.FOUND.- A black silk umbrella, born handle. 1 Holworthy.
'92 NINE.- Candidates will meet at 2.30 sharp at the gymnasium.
J. W. CUMMIN, Capt.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 3.30. Monday at 4. All must be present.
H. E. SEARS.H. A. A.- The sale of tickets for the University Meeting of the Athletic Association on May 3d, begins today at Thurston's.
JOSEPH HOWLAND HUNT, Sec'y.HARVARD FENCING CLUB.- Members may obtain shingles between 10 A. M. and 12 M. at 30 Hilton Block.
C. E. BURGESS, Sec'y.There will be a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Harvard University Cycling Association at 41 Weld, at 7.30 P. M., today.
W. B. GREENLEAF.The following men will meet in front of Leavitt and Pierce's at 11 o'clock sharp, ready to go to Groton: Hallow ell, Dexter, Dibblee, Waters, Robb, Stevens, Fearing, Day, Winsor, Stone, Collamore.
L. A. FROTHINGHAM.BOYLSTON CHEMICAL CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the Club Monday evening, April 28, at 7.30 Mr. S. F. Swinburne will give a paper on "Stereometric Chemistry."
H. L. T. A.- There will be a meeting at 5 Manter Hall this afternoon at 1.30 to consider a plan for an interscholastic tennis tournament, to be played on the college courts on Saturday, May 17.
G. W. LEE.ADMISSION CONDITIONS.- An admission condition in a study which is identical with a course taught in college may be removed either by passing in that course as a regular study, or by passing the midyear (if any) and final examinations in the course; but in the latter case one month's notice of intentions to take the examinations must be given to the secretary. (Signed) U. 5.
Seniors who are delaying the completion of the Class Album by not having their pictures taken, are causing great trouble and annoyance to the committee. The album must be complete, and every man should consider it a duty to do his part in finishing it. Appointments have been made for the following men who must positively sit this week: C. A. Miller, A. G. Morse, Nuss, Olmsted, C. H. Page, Paine, Palmer, Parker, Pond, Poor, and Raw son.
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Official Notice.