
FootBall Game.

Yesterday afternoon on Jarvis Field two elevens, composed mostly of new men, played a game of two twenty minute halves. All the training most of the men have done has been in the squad. For such raw men the playing was remarkably steady, and the good effect of bringing out new men in the winter was apparent. A large crowd assembled to see the game, which was very evenly contested. The score was 0 to 0. In the first half the ball was mostly in Cumnock's territory, in the second mostly in Bass'. Toward the end of the game Cumnock's team came near scoring, but did not. The teams were made up as follows:

First team: Cumnock, '91, quarter back; McDonald, '92, and Bisbee, '93, half backs; Greenough, '92, full back: rushers, S. Berry, '92, Grimes, L. S., H. F. Berry, '92, Embick, '91, Stevenson, '93, H. N. Berry, '93, Latham, '92, Stearns, '93.

Second team: Blake, '93, full back; Bass, '91, and Blaney, 91, half backs; Harding, L. S., quarter back: rushers; Pierce, '93. Hand, '93, Thomas, '92, Evans, '93, Cary, '93, Meddows, '93, Saltonstall, '93.
