
The Advocate.

The last number of the Advocate is a creditable one and contains a wide variety of prose and fiction. The editorials are largely devoted to athletics.

The first one again brings up the dual league imbroglio and declares that Harvard must not back down from her demands. One football game a year, and that in New York, is out of the question, and special students must not be excluded from athletic teams. The second editorial deprecates the action taken by the New York Graduates who drew up such unsatisfactory articles of agreement, though their active interest in college matters is greeted with satiation. The remaining editorials discuss the Sawin Memorial Fund, and urge interest in the nine this season.

The opening story, "A Question of Medicine or Law," would be interesting if it were original, instead of being older than the hills. It may be asked also whether the familiar anecdote would not have been more pleasing to the reader in a more fanciful form, instead of in this prosaic garb. The conceit of the plot does not harmonize with the author's treatment.

"Mrs. Coddleman's Other Failing" is an amusing story which is briskly told. Unfortunately for the reader, however, he knows approximately how the story is to turn out as Mr. Coddleman meets the strange lady. Thus his interest is slightly diminished; but perhaps this blemish was unavoidable.

"A Remote Genius" is an attractive descriptive study of a queer character living in the White Mountains. The sketch is carefully written and makes a pleasant impression on the reader.


"At Saint Carlos" is another description, of which the scene is laid in California. It contains a number of vivid touches.

The number contains an unusual amount of verse. "At the Beach" is a pretty trifle of a few lines. "A Hope" is also a pleasant fancy. "Oh ! Lady Fair," though in itself commendable, is not as good as some of the work by the same author in recent numbers of the Advocate.

The most finished poem is "Triolets." The wording is dainty, the lines rhythmical and harmonious, and it contains a number of natural, skilful and smooth alliterations, which make the verse yet more musical.

The Advocate's Brief, which concludes the number, brings the record of events down to April 12.
