FOUND.- A Safety Bicycle. Apply to the porter at Grays Hall.
'92 NINE.- Candidates for the sophomore nine will meet on Divinity at 3 sharp.
J. W. CUMMIN, Capt.DEUTSCHER VEREIN.- A reception will be held tonight in 46 Matthews after Dr. Goebel's lecture.
ALFRED J. SELIGSBERY, Secretary.HARVARD NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY.- There will be a meeting of the society in L. S. S. 4 this evening at 7.30 o'clock.
COLLIER COBB, Sec'y.ENGLISH 12.- Friday, April 24, members of Section II. will come for their themes at 11 o'clock. The afternoon office hours will be discontinued.
L. B. R. BRIGGS.LOST.- In the gymnasium on Tuesday. Four books used in Math. 4 and Physics 4 were lost near locker 1016. Please return to gymnasium office.
Y. M. C. A.- Dr. Phillips Brooks will address the Y. M. C. A. this evening at 6.45 in Lawrence Hall. All members of the university are cordially invited.
H. U. C. A.- There will be a meeting of the executive committee of the Harvard University Cycling Association at 41 Weld Hall this afternoon at 4.30.
W. B. GREENLEAF.LOST.- About six weeks ago, a heavy gold seal ring with coat-of-arms cut on it. Finder will please return to 714 Cambridge Street and receive reward.
CHAL. T. WING.HARVARD TENNIS LEAGUE.- There will be an important meeting of the Tennis League at 5 Manter Hall at 1.30 this afternoon. Members will please be on hand promptly.
G. W. LEE, Sec.The following freshmen will be in the gymnasium dressed at 3.15 sharp: Hallowell, Dexter, Waters, Stevens, Robb, Manley, Fearing, Winsor, Day, Stone, Collamore, Parker, Dibblee, Wiggin, Marshall, Merriam.
L. A. FROTHINGHAM.H. A. A.- All the men who are going to compete in the class games next Tuesday, April 29, must be examined this week. The tickets for the university will be put on sale at Thurston's next Saturday at 9 o'clock.
J. H. HUNT, Sec'y.Seniors who are delaying the completion of the Class Album by not having their pictures taken, are causing great trouble and annoyance to the committee. The album must be complete, and every man should consider it a duty to do his part in finishing it. Appointments have been made for the following men who must positively sit this week: C. A. Miller, A. G. Morse, Nuss, Olmsted, C. H. Page. Paine, Palmer, Parker, Pond, Poor, and Raw son.
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