
Special Notice.

Seats at a general table at Mrs. Morgans 97 Mt. Auburn St.

A few students can find excellent table-board at reasonable rate by applying to Mrs. M. E. Whitman, 776 Main street. 23-2w

WANTED.- A young man to read aloud German for an hour every evening. Apply between the hours of 7 and 8 p. m. to

D. H. MORRIS, 18 Appian Way.The undersigned wishes to correspond with the gentleman who answered an advertisement in March for young man in dry goods store. His letter was in interest of his brother who had left college by reason of trouble with his eyes. Address,

GEO. C. LUNTand Co., Watertown, Mass.The spring styles in woolen goods for men's wear show decided changes from the past few years. The large plaids are gone, and in their place are the quiet check and flue stripes in worsteds and in cheviots the homespun effects and dog tooth checks are the most popular. The style of cut also show radical changes. Gentlemen who appreciate all the correct points in cut and proportion are invited to order of us, as goods will be cheerfully shown. 10 per cent discount for cash and moderate prices. FRANK D. SOMERS, 5 Park Street.

