The Harvard University Cycling Association has already challenged Yale to a team race, and although they have as yet received no answer, it is known that the Yale men are training and intend to accept if they find that they can get enough men in shape. The Association at its last meeting voted to challenge Columbia, and there is also a probability of a challenge being sent to the Boston Athletic Association.
The most important event under the charge of the H. U. C. A. this spring, however, is the race meet on Holmes field. This is to be held on May 10th, instead of May 17th as before announced, in order not to conflict with the date of the Berkely Athletic Club's games, to which Harvard will probably send a large delegation.
The prizes to be given at the race meet this year will not be miscellaneous articles, as they were last, but handsome gold, silver and bronze medals. They are very valuable and ornamental, struck from dies especially made this year for the Association. On one side in bold relief is a demlpesagus-the emblem of he club,-and on the other, round the edge, in quaint, artistic letters, also in relief, is the name of the Association, and engraved in the middle the name of the race.
Besides these prizes to individual riders, there is offered a silver cup to the club scoring the most points in the open races, and in the interscholastic race another cup is offered, which is to be competed for by the schools of New England for a number of years, on the same general plan as the colleges compete for the Mott Haven cup.
Altogether, there will be more inducements, both to riders and spectators, in this race meet than in any ever held near Boston.
One of the most interesting events will be the handicap intercollegiate race. Entries for this are expected from a number of colleges, and some idea of the result of the race at the Mott Haven games may be forecast.
At present Greenleaf, Davis, Brown, P. W. Davis, and Barron are training on the track; and if Yale or Columbia accept Harvard's challenge, and choose a road race, some other men will train for that. Unfortunately, E. A. Bailey has left college, and cannot, therefore, ride in the Harvard team.
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Harvard Union.