
Fact and Rumor.

The Advocate will be out this evening.

Forensic briefs in English C and D are due May 1.

The Shooting Club holds a meeting this afternoon.

There will be an hour examination in Greek 8 next Saturday.

The Freshman nine will play the Groton School nine at Groton, Saturday, April 26.


Professor Morceau, of Michigan University, visited the classes of the French department yesterday.

Paul Heyse's "Die Bruder," will be read in German 1a as an outside reading between now and the finals.

The handsome interscholastic base ball cup now in competition is on exhibition in Leavitt and Peirce's window.

Specimens of Theme IX. in English B will be read and discussed in Sever 11, at 2 this afternoon. Theme X., an exposition, will be due at 4.

Men are warned that applications for make-up examinations, and examinations to take off conditions must be in by May 1.

The cricket eleven moved its practise grounds to Jarvis field yesterday, thus making room for the 'varsity nine on Holmes. The Freshman nine practised on Jarvis.

Courtney says the Cornell crew this spring will be fully equal to last year's. It has been finally picked out. Dole will stroke. The other men in the boat are Osgood, Benedict, Wolf, Hill, Marston, Hagerman and Upton.

W. H. Corbin, captain and centre rush of Yale's '89 football team, has a strong letter in Friday's News advocating the dual league. In Saturday's issue H. H. Knapp, '82, fays that in his opinion a Dual League which involves an annual contest with Harvard in all branches of athletics in preference, but not to the exclusion of other colleges, would seem preferable.
