

HISTORICAL SOCIETY.- Meeting this evening at 8, at tee house of Mr. Justin Winsor, 74 Sparks St. Address by Hon. Mellen Chamberlain, of Boston Public Library.

E. A. DARLING, Sec'y.FOOTBALL.- The football squad will continue to practice this week, and will disband Friday with a regular game of two fifteen minute halves. Men who show up well will be given special work.

A. J. CUMNOCK.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 7 tonight.

C. J. F. BRUEGGER, Sec'y.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsals this week as follows: Monday at 8, Tuesday, at 5; Wednesday, at 5; Thursday, at 8, Friday, at 5. Copy this list for reference. concerts Wednesday, 23d and Monday, 28th.

'91 NINE.- All candidates for the Junior Class Nine will be at the Gymnasium, ready to play, at 4 o'clock sharp.


NOTICE.- Men in French 2 will bring to the next recitation Le Gendre de M. Poirier.

FOUND.- On Jarvis Field, a cigarholder and a Second Book in French. Apply to D. J. Enright, in charge of the tennis courts.
