
Fact and Rumor.

K. Brown, '91, has been elected an editor of the Advocate.

The candidates for the freshmen nine have been reduced to eighteen.

The nine will probably begin practising on Holmes field this week.

The questions for the final examination in Physics 3 have been given out.

It is probable that the freshman crew will start for New London the twelfth of June.


The National Academy of Sciences at its session in Washington Friday, elected to membership Professor Goodale of Harvard, Professor Chittenden of Yale, and Professor Smith of Columbia.

At the Pierian's concert in Malden last Thursday, Heine, '91, and Wolff, '90, played solos, and Miss Allen, a niece of Prof. Paine, sang. The Sodality plays for the Young Ladies' Club of Brighton next Wednesday.

Amherst won Saturday the first game she has ever taken from Yale in New Haven, by a score of 8 to 6. Bowers' poor pitching in the third inning let in four runs. The scores of the other college games played Saturday were,-Brown 6, B. A. A. 7, eleven innlngs; Williams 9, Blackingtons 8; Phillips Andover 9, Cambridge Latin 8; Phillips Exeter 22, Tech. '92, 10.

Nominations for president and vicepresident of the Dining Association must be left with the auditor before or during lunch today. The election will be held at dinner Wednesday. Ten directors, of which '91, '92, 93, and the Law School each has two, and the graduate department and the Divinity School one, will be elected at dinner Thursday. Nominations for directors may be left with the auditor before lunch tomorrow.
