
Special Notices.

HARVARD TENNIS LEAGUE.- R. S. Stevens, '93, and F. S. Blake, '93, will play the matches scheduled for A. H. Brooks and E. Wrenn, whose places they have taken. W. F. Pillsbury, L. S., has been chosen to fill the third vacancy. Notice will be given of the dates of his matches. Members must hand in their assessment of two dollars as soon as possible, and they must give the score of their matches to the man in charge of the courts. For the committee,

J. A. STETSON.CRICKET ELEVEN.- It is absolutely necessary for every candidate to be on Holmes at 4 o'clock today.

R. D. Brown.PI ETA.- There will be an important meeting of the '90 Pi Eta tonight at 7.30.

E. H. MERRILL, Sec'y.Seniors are urged to attend to their class pictures before it is too late. By delaying the matter they are causing much troubie and annoyance to fill out their order lists. Secretaries of college societies are requested to make appointments for sittings as soon as possible, so as not to interfere with the senior class work.


