We publish in another column a notice of sale of seats at the Berkeley Oval for the intercollegiate games on May 31. The Harvard delegation of spectators has never in past years been large, but we hope that this year there will be a great increase in numbers. It will be a great advantage for all Harvard men to have seats together, and will be an immense encouragement to the contestants to feel that their efforts are being appreciated and applauded. Harvard has made an excellent showing in all meetings this winter, and must not fall off at the Berkeley Oval. This season she will be represented at the intercollegiate games for the last time, and she must win. She must have her name engraved once on the new challenge cup. The H. A. A. are making unusual efforts, and have a promising set of athletes in training. It remains for the college at large to support the team. With a large delegation of supporters, and enthusiastic cheering, Harvard may feel confident of making a successful showing at the Oval.
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