Last evening the Harvard Fencing club held a fencing contest in their club rooms. The entries were divided into three classes, prizes being given to the winner in each class by L. M. Greer, '91. Philip Dexter, L. S. won in the first class, and T. J. Stead in the third class. The final bout in the second class between I. N. P. Stokes '91, and A. N. McGeoch, '91 was postponed. Professor Louis Rondell, instructor of the club acted as referee, and Rawson, '90, and Greer, '91 as judges. The annual election of officers preceded the contests the incoming board being L. M. Greer, '91, president; W. K. Flint, '91, vice-president; C. E. Burgess, '92, secretary; J. Hubbard, '92, treasurer; executive committee, A. N. McGeoch, '91, S. L. Cromwell, '92, C. R. Falk, '93; elective committee, J. M. T. Pope, '93; H. Fahnestock, '92.
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